Trinity offers various types of thermal spray technologies to provide surface properties that suit customer needs.
HVOF involves heating the cladding material and firing it towards the component at a supersonic velocity using oxy-fuel, which allows the formation of a dense coating with high bond strength, low stress and negligible porosity. Trinity can spray chrome oxides, ceramics, tungsten-carbide, Ni base alloys or others using our HVOF facility. Components repaired include drilling jars, mandrels, line shafts, exhaust valve spindles, pump shafts and pump casings (internal coatings).
Plasma Spray is a high energy, short-arc, inert –gas cladding process which produces a very high quality deposit offering an optimal protection with minimal dilution or deformation of the base material. It is a process that deposits very precise coatings of perfectly controlled alloys on mechanical parts that are subject to intense wear at high temperature. Plasma Spray technology is particularly effective in protection against corrosion, thermal shock and abrasion.
Twin Arc Spray is a wire spraying process used for rebuilding of shafts and also to provide special protective coatings on bearing bushes and pump casings. Various grades of material such as Babbitt (white metal), Stellite, Monel™, nickel-chrome and 316L stainless steel are utilized for coating.
The sectors serviced include oil exploration, oil field operation, marine, construction, cement/crush,er transport and general engineering. Regularly sprayed components include hydraulic rams, piston rods, pump shafts, turbine parts, extruder screws, mud motor rotors, down-hole tools and bearing seal & seating areas for shafts of different applications.
Thermal Spray
Thermal Spray
Thermal Spray
Thermal Spray
Thermal Spray
Thermal Spray